On Thursday, March 20th, The Second Century Committee (SCC) opened bids for the new building addition. We received three bids from general contractors. The bids were very favorable to us as they were lower than our estimates. After reviewing the bids, the SCC agreed to recommend to the Vision Board to enter into contract with Olympic Builders to be our general contractor for the addition. Olympic was not the lowest bidder, but after discussing the bids, the committee made the recommendation to hire Olympic. The low bidder has not done a project this large. Olympic and some of their sub contractors have ties with the congregation. The committee was very comfortable to make this recommendation.
The bid from Olympic was $749,842. The low bid was $740,000. The 3rd bid was $800,250.
On Sunday, March 23, 2014, the Vision board accepted and approved the bid from Olympic Builders. In addition to the bid results, the Vision board was informed that several items were not included in the bids. Things such as flooring finishes, lighting fixtures, and landscaping are our responsibility. The following is an estimate of other owner responsibility costs to complete the building:
- Flooring $50,000
- Lighting Fixtures $50,000
- Architectural Fees $51,550
- Permit and Loan Fees $10,000
- Total $161,550
If you add this total to the General Contractor, our costs are at $911,482. We would be wise to add a 10% contingency fund ($75,000) for unexpected expenses and change orders. (This was figured into our original loan application.) With the contingency added, our estimated cost is $986,032. Our original project total cost estimate was $1,082,460. We are about $100,000 below that amount. We would like to add a line item for furnishings and landscaping as well. (See tally below.)
- Gen. Contractor $749,482
- Owner purchases $161,550
- Contingency Fund $75,000
- Furnishings & Landscape ??????
- Total $986,032
The committee also received bids for flooring on March 20th. Those bids ranged from $14,384 to $47,758. The wide range of bids is the result of inconsistent quality of flooring materials included in the bids. The interior design sub-committee will continue to work with the contractors to ensure bids/quotes include the quality of flooring we are looking for.
Financial Information:
In the March Vision Board meeting, the board voted to use Merchants Bank as our lender for this project. We have been pre-approved to borrow up to $588,000 to complete our building project. To date, we have raised about $470,000. To complete the project, we now believe our total debt will be close to $500.00. We are hopeful it will be even less.
We encourage you to continue your building pledge giving. Please continue to support the building fund by purchasing Kwik Trip, Festival or Kohls script cards from the church. A report of fundraising from script card sales will appear in next month’s newsletter.
Join us for ceremonial groundbreaking following the 8:00 and 10:30 services on Easter Sunday (April 20th). Construction should begin shortly after Easter. We expect the project to be complete prior to Christmas.
The SCC wishes to thank you for your continued support and prayers. This is an exciting time in the life of Halfway Creek Lutheran Church. Updated plans and fundraising efforts are posted near the ramp door on the North end of the church. Please contact any of the SCC members if you have any questions. The members are: Rich Berger, Dianna Berger, David Gates, John Daily, Carolyn Hacket, Jean Latham, and Lynn Wegner. Archie Achterkirch and Morgan Jostad will also be serving as the congregation liaisons to the general Contractor.