Church Office Assistant Job Posting!

** Position has been filled **

Church Office Assistant

Click Here for Application (.pdf) (.docx)

 Job Description, Responsibilities,
Duties and Expectations

Halfway Creek Lutheran Church
November 2014


  1. The Office Assistant of Halfway Creek is interviewed and hired by a committee appointed by the pastor.
  2. The Office Assistant acts on behalf of the congregation to support the pastor and programmatic activity of the church.
  3. The Office Assistant is a part time employee and will be compensated according to terms approved by the Vision Board.
  4. The pastor of Halfway Creek supervises the Office Assistant.
  5. The pastor and the committee will work together on a regular basis to evaluate the Office Assistant’s performance. This will be done after the first ninety days of employment (the probationary period) and at least annually.


The Office Assistant:

  1. Publicizes events of the congregation to those who are members, and to the public through print and other media
  2. Maintains a positive relationship with the public we serve
  3. Handles most parish correspondences
  4. Completes and cares for membership records
  5. Performs administrative duties as required
  6. Does other tasks as needed to support the programming for the congregation


Among other duties, the Office Assistant:

  1. Prepares, publishes, and distributes publications of the church, including Currents, worship bulletins, occasional services bulletins, outreach publications, and other promotional materials
  2. Supports Halfway Creek’s ministry by
    1. Serving as the pastor’s liaison to hospitals, other care facilities and institutions
    2. Preparing print materials for congregational events
    3. Recording pastoral acts in record books and computer databases
    4. Maintaining membership records and parish statistics
    5. Scheduling facilities and maintaining parish calendars
    6. Purchasing supplies and materials for programs
    7. Acknowledging memorial contributions and special gifts
    8. Utilizing and coordinating volunteers to use their skills as often as possible
    9. Serving as the point of first contact for members and the general public
    10. Completes other tasks as needed


  1. That work be completed in a manner that is both timely and accurate
  2. That professionalism be maintained in the office, in dealings with members, on the phone, and in dress
  3. That the office be organized and efficient
  4. That confidentiality be strictly maintained
  5. That any problems or potential problems be discussed with the pastor
  6. That all documents be proofread for accuracy
  7. That volunteers be used whenever possible
  8. That the Office Assistant becomes familiar with Lutheran worship, style, and substance

Job Information- Office Assistant

Halfway Creek Lutheran Church
November 2014

Position: Office Assistant

Description: This job is described in detail in the latest version of its job description.

Hours:  20 hours/week

Pay: Salaried position, to be negotiated depending on amount of experience

Paid vacation: 20 hours paid vacation are offered for each twelve months of employment as Halfway Creek, after the first year of employment. After 5 years, 40 hours of paid vacation are offered. Vacation hours may not be used during probationary periods. Vacation does not roll over from one 12 month period to another 12 month period.

Paid holidays: Up to 32 paid holiday hours are offered, if and when qualifying holidays fall on days when the office would normally be open. Qualifying holidays are defined as: January 1, Martin Luther King Jr. day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, December 25, Easter Monday.

Paid Sick Leave: Paid sick days are offered as needed when illness occurs. Time off for sickness will be paid up to 20 hours per year. Sick leave does not roll over or accumulate from year to year.

Time Off: All time off for vacations or other non-paid personal days, but not including sick leave and qualifying holidays, must be arranged a minimum of two weeks in advance and cleared with the pastor in advance. When time off is taken for vacation and other non-paid personal days, the Office Assistant will arrange for volunteers to cover phones and to cover basic non-skilled tasks.

Review: Performance reviews will be held after the first ninety days of employment, then, at least annually.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality will be maintained in the following manner: There will be no discussion with others that may lead to the disclosure of the following information: those hospitalized, visits paid by individuals to the pastor, visits made by the pastor to people in the congregation, conditions/illnesses/problems faced by others in the congregation/community, other sensitive information about any people. The standard answer to any such inquiries shall be, “I’m not aware of this…” or “I don’t know…” or “I’m not at liberty to discuss those matters.”

Click Here for Application (.pdf) (.docx)


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