Annual Meeting – February 1 – ONE SERVICE at 10:30 am


All are invited to attend the annual meeting on February 1.  The meeting will take place following worship.  Fellowship will follow with a potluck and your help is needed to make this years ‘Alphabet’ theme fun.

Please help provide a dish that starts with the letter of your last name from the following courses; Desserts A-I, Main J-R, Side dish/salad S-Z.

Example: Anderson = Apple pie

We hope to see many interesting dishes!

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Volunteers Needed!

Volunteer Hands

Our church addition was blessed to receive a donation of wood trim. The trim (door & window casing and wood base) needs to have the finished removed so it can be re-stained to coordinate with Halfway Creek’s stain color.

There are two opportunities scheduled this weekend for members to assist in this process:

  • Saturday, January 24, 2015
    • 9-11:30 a.m.; 12:30-2:30 p.m.; 3-5:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, January 25, 2015
    • 2:00-5:00 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us. We hope to have many members assist in this process.  All supplies are provided.

Outreach & Fellowship will be providing light snacks and water.

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School Cancellation Childcare on Cold Days – Volunteers Needed!

Kermit in Snow

We hope that we don’t have too many cancellations because of the cold this year, but in case we have some, we will be opening the church again for free childcare for families who still need to work on those days.  We are looking for adults and youth who would be willing to volunteer their time (6:30 am – 4:00 pm) for either part or all of a day to play with us!  It was a great outreach opportunity last year.  Please contact Pastor Jean if you’re able to volunteer.  Thank you!

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Pictures Needed!

Picture Collage

We are going to show a special video next Sunday, November 2nd, which is All Saints Sunday. We are looking for these types of pictures from you:

  • Favorite Bibles/Bible being read
  • Inter-generational pictures
  • 1st day of school pictures
  • Wedding Pictures
  • Just general favorite pictures you’d like to share.

**These don’t have to be existing pictures, so feel free to snap one and send it along!  If you don’t have a digital copy of your picture, that is okay.  Just bring it to Pastor Jean’s office and we will make a digital copy.  Please have all pictures submitted by Wednesday, October 29th

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Trunk or Treat – October 25 – Halfway Creek parking lot

Trunk or Treat

Join us from 12-3 pm on the 25th for our second annual Trunk or Treat event!  You are invited to decorate your trunk, car, tractor, wagon…whatever vehicle you have and children will trick or treat to each vehicle!  You are welcome to come in costume and bring your own bucket of treats.  There will be a hotdog lunch, a cake walk, face painting, and more.  Please look for sign up sheets going around church or contact us if you’d like to have a vehicle in the trunk or treat event or can volunteer in another capacity.  Thanks!

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Homebrew Fellowship Event – June 21

Beer Pic

Join us at 11:00 am for a homebrew event.  There will be a small lunch, a blessing, and a short lesson on Brewing, Martin Luther, and Monasteries.  Please bring a chair and some samples of any microbrews you have.  You must be 21 years old to attend.

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