Here is the proposed constitution for Halfway Creek Lutheran Church. This document highlights the changes between the proposed constitution and the existing constitution.

Here is the proposed constitution for Halfway Creek Lutheran Church. This document highlights the changes between the proposed constitution and the existing constitution.
ShareHalfway Creek Lutheran is responsible for preparing and serving the meal on Tuesday, September 26 at Holmen American Legion. We are in need of volunteers to help plan and prepare the meal. We are planning to prepare the food on Sunday, September 24th during the Sunday School hour and after the late service.
Volunteer sign up
Holmen’s Hope Food Donations
During the month of August, Halfway Creek will be collecting 100 nail clippers, toothbrushes, and combs for the personal needs kits. Collection boxes will be downstairs for these items. We would also welcome any other small personal items. Journey Lutheran is collecting the baby kit items.
Lutheran World Relief asks that all items be new and without any religious, military, nationality, flags, or camouflage markings on them. We will spend a little while putting together personal health and baby kits. This lets us create a great assembly line, with great results.
Halfway will secure a grant for LWR Personal Needs Kits and collect nail clippers, toothbrushes, and combs. Journey will find a grant for Baby Kits and supply the items, and Holmen will secure the food grant for and organize lunch, and the tents, Halfway has secured a grant for other personal kit items.
It’s time to reeeeeaaaach out. Project Promise Personal Care Kits are shared with people who have lost everything from a natural disaster or life-threatening violence.
ShareAre you interested in helping out at worship services this summer? We typically have confirmation students and their families Usher and Acolyte, but in the summer, we open this up to anyone that wants to help. This is open to people of all ages. Families with young children may want to volunteer as a way to introduce them to serving in the church. Your duties are to light the candles before service, hand out bulletins and take up the collection. If we get enough volunteers, you may only be asked to do this once this summer. Please look for a sign up sheet during Worship services in May. You will also be able to sign up online via a link in the email announcements.
ShareEligible Thrivent Financial members who have been designated Choice Dollars have until March 31, 2017, to direct them. Don’t miss this opportunity to recommend that Thrivent Financial provide grant funding to Halfway Creek Lutheran Church. . Go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt.
ShareYou are invited to come to the annual meeting in the life of the church as the congregation prepares to move ahead into the future. It will take place after worship on February 5. THERE IS ONE SERVICE THIS DAY AT 10:30 A.M. WITH THE MEETING AND POTLUCK MEAL TO FOLLOW. One of the marks of discipleship here at Halfway Creek is to “build relationships that foster faith.” That is what we will strive to do in this meeting and in the life of the church!
We will be having a soup and salad potluck this year. We will have sign up sheets at the Sunday Worship Service.
ShareDo you feel God is calling you to leadership within the church? Would you like to serve as a board officer or do you know someone who would do a great job? Vision Board is looking for candidates beginning February 2017. Vision Board members are responsible for overseeing the work of church. Vision board meets monthly and also has occasional special meetings. As church leadership, Vision Board members are also expected to worship regularly and participate in the life of the congregation. We will be using a special nomination process this year. There will be more information in the January newsletter.
ShareNow that we have this lovely new building, we need to make sure we have a well-stocked property team. If you like buildings, or some parts of them, and you like good company, please consider joining this team. We need your observations, wisdom, and talents to help us settle in better and stay well cared for. Join us by being good stewards of this place. And the company is good besides. Please see Archie Achterkirch, Rich Pedretti, or let the office or Pastor Janet know if you are interested.
Share50 Year Celebration of this Ministry
Fun Walk/5K Trail Run
Craft Fair
September 10, 2016
Fun Walk & 5K Trail Run: 8:00-8:30
Country Store: 8:00-2:00
Craft Fair: 9:00-2:00
Quilt/Antique Auction: 10:00-2:00
100 beautiful quilts, antiques, sports memorabilia, crafts, furniture, and other items of all kinds. Great Bar-B-Que pork lunch, homemade pies, etc! Country Store will be open all day. Silent Auction at 1:00.
Sugar Creek Bible Camp
Ferryville, WI
Are you interested in helping out at worship services this summer? We typically have confirmation students and their families Usher and Acolyte, but in the summer, we open this up to anyone that wants to help. This is open to people of all ages. Families with young children may want to volunteer as a way to introduce them to serving in the church. Your duties are to light the candles before service, hand out bulletins and take up the collection. If we get enough volunteers, you may only be asked to do this once this summer. Please look for a sign-up sheet during Worship services. You can also sign up online via this link.