Habitat for Humanity – Service Opportunity and Noisy Offering

Assembled Lunches

The La Crosse Habitat for Humanity chapter is hosting a group of 30 people from Amery, WI who are here to work on building homes next week.  We have offered to provide lunches for those volunteers on Monday, June 15.  This Sunday after our 9 am worship, we invite you to stay a few minutes after the service to help assemble lunches.  We will meet in the narthex and it should only take a few minutes if we have enough people.  Plastic gloves will be provided.  We will also take a noisy offering on Sunday to help offset the cost of the lunches.

The Habitat organization has also invited us to come out on Monday anytime during the day and help out with building one of the houses.  That address is 1524 South 10th Street, La Crosse.  Habitat is a wonderful ministry and this is a great opportunity to Reach Out to Share Christ With All.  Please contact us to let Pastor Jean know if you are interested in going on Monday.  Thank you!

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Online Giving

Laptop and Smartphone

Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church year round. Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today through Simply Giving.  You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis.  Please contact us for more information!

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Stephen Ministry Workshop – February 7

Holmen Lutheran Church will host a Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop from 9:00 A.M.–1:00 P.M.  Registration begins at 8:00 A.M. This half-day, three-session workshop is designed to help congregations catch a vision for strengthening their caring ministry through equipping laypeople as caregivers. During this event, participants will also develop care-giving skills they can use right away. The cost of this workshop is $15 per person or $50 for a group of four or more from the same congregation.

This is a wonderful ministry opportunity!  If you are interested in attending with Pastor Jean, please contact her.

Check out the Stephen Ministry website if you would like to learn more about this ministry

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Annual Meeting – February 1 – ONE SERVICE at 10:30 am


All are invited to attend the annual meeting on February 1.  The meeting will take place following worship.  Fellowship will follow with a potluck and your help is needed to make this years ‘Alphabet’ theme fun.

Please help provide a dish that starts with the letter of your last name from the following courses; Desserts A-I, Main J-R, Side dish/salad S-Z.

Example: Anderson = Apple pie

We hope to see many interesting dishes!

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Constitution Changes

Proposed Constitution Cover

Over the past couple of years, we as a congregation have updated our constitution to reflect the activities of Halfway Creek Lutheran Church and the Model Constitution for Congregations of the ELCA. About every two years, the ELCA updates the model constitution. That was done in 2013. Our current constitution does not yet include those changes/updates. At the annual meeting we will seek approval to add these changes/ updates to our current HCLC constitution. You can view the “draft” constitution on our website . We will also have copies available at church. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact the church office at 608-526-3701.

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Caring Tree Ministry

Gift Tag

The caring tree is set up in the front of the church with “gift tags” on it. Each tag lists the age and gender of a child from Holmen School District who is in need of a gift at Christmas time. There are 2 tags on the tree for each child (we have 31 children on our list); one item is clothing (pink tags) and the other is a fun item (green tags.). All  gifts are $25 or less (most children have requested items less than $25). If you would like to spend more than that , please take both tags for that child or select more tags.

Record your first name and phone numbers on the list by the Caring Tree when taking a tag. Please return all gifts (wrapped with the tag attached)  by  December 9th to the area by the tree or drop off at the church office.

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Church Office Assistant Job Posting!

Job Posting

** Position has been filled **

Church Office Assistant

Click Here for Application (.pdf) (.docx)

 Job Description, Responsibilities,
Duties and Expectations

Halfway Creek Lutheran Church
November 2014


  1. The Office Assistant of Halfway Creek is interviewed and hired by a committee appointed by the pastor.
  2. The Office Assistant acts on behalf of the congregation to support the pastor and programmatic activity of the church.
  3. The Office Assistant is a part time employee and will be compensated according to terms approved by the Vision Board.
  4. The pastor of Halfway Creek supervises the Office Assistant.
  5. The pastor and the committee will work together on a regular basis to evaluate the Office Assistant’s performance. This will be done after the first ninety days of employment (the probationary period) and at least annually.


Continue reading “Church Office Assistant Job Posting!”

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Website Informational Forms – Now Fixed

Message in a Bottle

We apologize if you have tried to send email correspondence using the Contact Us, Building Addition Questions, and Technology Group Interest forms on our Halfway Creek website.  The links have not been working, but they are now fixed.  If you sent previous emails using those links, we did not receive them, so please send again.  Thank you!

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Halfway Hodgepodge – September 14

Halfway Hodgepodge Text

Join us for our fall kickoff event, Halfway Hodgepodge, on September 14th.  Halfway Hodgepodge is a progressive meal where you can learn about and volunteer for our ministries here at the church.  Tables will be set up and each will feature a different ministry.  Also at that table will be the next part of your meal.  It is a fun way to see all that we do here!

  1. Parking on Sunday – Currently there is limited parking in the parking lot.  To accommodate this, we will be asking people to park on the lawn.  There will be parking attendants to assist you!
  2. Dress warmly on Sunday – Our Hodgepodge event following the service will be outdoors.  It may be a bit on the chilly side, so please dress warmly.  There will be outdoor seating as well as indoor seating available
  3. ONE service at 9:00 am – Just a friendly reminder that we have only one service yet this Sunday.  We go back to the 8:00 and 10:30 services on September 21st.  Sunday school also begins on the 21st at 9:15 am.
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