The La Crosse Habitat for Humanity chapter is hosting a group of 30 people from Amery, WI who are here to work on building homes next week. We have offered to provide lunches for those volunteers on Monday, June 15. This Sunday after our 9 am worship, we invite you to stay a few minutes after the service to help assemble lunches. We will meet in the narthex and it should only take a few minutes if we have enough people. Plastic gloves will be provided. We will also take a noisy offering on Sunday to help offset the cost of the lunches.
The Habitat organization has also invited us to come out on Monday anytime during the day and help out with building one of the houses. That address is 1524 South 10th Street, La Crosse. Habitat is a wonderful ministry and this is a great opportunity to Reach Out to Share Christ With All. Please contact us to let Pastor Jean know if you are interested in going on Monday. Thank you!