Land Donated To HCLC Approved By Congregation

On Sunday, June 22, the congregation of Halfway Creek Lutheran Church accepted a donation of land to the East of our church. This generous donation will bring our current building into compliance with current county zoning and will allow the addition to meet zoning requirements as well. Now that the congregation has accepted the land, we need only to ask the county to rezone the new property to match the zoning of our existing building. As soon as that is done, we can officially break ground. Continue reading “Land Donated To HCLC Approved By Congregation”

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Congregational Meeting – Result: Approved

Congregational Meeting Pic

This Sunday we will be holding a congregational meeting following the 9:00 a.m. worship service for the purpose of accepting a gift of land which will enable our congregation to bring both our existing building and building project into compliance with current zoning codes, side yard distance, and setback requirements.  Once the gift of the land is accepted, it can be rezoned so that we can commence construction with the building project.

All eligible voting members are encouraged to attend.  Per our constitution, voting members are confirmed members who have communed in this congregation and have made a contribution of record to this congregation during the current or preceding calendar year.  We will have childcare available for the meeting.  Following the meeting, we will have fellowship and refreshments!

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Call for Technology Team Members

Technology Keyboard Pic

Halfway Creek is seeking members of the congregation that would like to be part of a technology team.  This technology team would assist Halfway Creek with its technology needs.

Items that members would assist with may include:

  • Halfway Creek website administration
  • Desktop support
  • Network management
  • Data & storage management
  • Evaluating new technologies that could benefit HCLC
  • Minimizing cost of technology solutions

The main goal of this team will be to ensure that Halfway Creek is utilizing technology in a manner that supports the vision of “Reaching Out to Share Christ with All.”  Please Contact Us if interested.

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Summer Acolytes/Ushers Needed

Are you interested in helping out at worship services this summer?  This is open to people of all ages!  Families with young children are encouraged to volunteer as a way to introduce them to serving in the church.  Your duties are to light the candles before service, hand out bulletins, and collect the offering.  If we have enough volunteers, you may only have to do this once or twice over the summer.  Look for the sign up sheet going around church this Sunday. 

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?? Questions ??

Have a question about faith?  Something about faith or God that you’ve been wondering about but haven’t had a chance to ask?  Now is the perfect time!  Over the summer we will be looking at “Faith Questions” as a sermon series.  You get to decide the topics with your questions, so please ask away!  You can either email Pastor Jean or put them in the basket at the back of church that’s labelled “Faith Questions”.

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Calling All “Caring for College” Donations!!

Caring for College is a program that, with the help of the HCLC congregation, I will send care packages to our HCLC college students. This is a great ministry to let our college students know that they are being thought of and prayed for throughout the year. The first packages were sent last Christmas and were a huge hit! I will be collecting items once again to send out a Spring package. Yes, I said SPRING. Having a college freshman attending Madison this year, I know how much the students LOVE to receive care packages in the mail. It’s a great reminder that they are being thought of.  Continue reading “Calling All “Caring for College” Donations!!”

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