Pizzas! Youth Group Fundraiser


The youth group is selling homemade pizzas to fund raise for their summer mission trip to Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.  Pizza orders and payments are due on January 24 and you can order via the contact us page or find order forms in the bulletins on Sundays and place the orders in the offering plates.

Prices are as follows:

  • Cheese – $10
  • Pepperoni – $12
  • Sausage – $12
  • Pepperoni/Sausage – $13

Thank you for your continued support of our youth!

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2015 Financial Giving

Sun through HCLC Steeple

As we start to near the end of 2015, please continue to grow in generosity by sending or bringing your offerings regularly, even when you’re absent our ministry continues. Please look for a display that will be set up near the entrance of the sanctuary for ideas for how you can financially contribute to Halfway Creek and our mission.

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Sunday School Barnyard Challenge – November 8

Our Sunday school children have been invited to to raise funds towards an ELCA World Hunger Good Gift.  Our goal is the raise enough for the cost of a family farm, $715.  A family farm consists of a cow, a couple of goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, and farming tools, plus agricultural training and marketing support.

  • Barnyard BankOn Oct. 18, our Sunday school children received an ELCA ‘God’s Good Gifts’ Barnyard bank box.
  • We are hoping that each child raises enough pocket change for 10 baby chicks $10 or $1 a chick, any amount will be greatly appreciated.
  • All children are invited to bring their bank to Halfway Creek on Sunday, November 8 at the 10:30 service to place their change in a special “noisy drop” container.
  • Thank you for guiding our children as they Reach Out to Share Christ with Christ to all!
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Team Conversation and Celebration – October 24


Please join us on Saturday, October 24 from 9:00-12:00 for Conversation and Celebration of who we are and what God is calling us to be as a congregation.  Our focus this year will be on “what’s next” as we look at where God continues to lead us as a congregation.  Team members are strongly encouraged to attend so please mark this on your calendars now.

Also, you do not need to be a part of a team to join us.  All are welcome and we would love to have you as a part of the morning.

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Walking Together in Faith – October 25 – 9:15 am

Cross and Human

He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort – we get a full measure of that too. –2 Corinthians 1:3-5


To provide opportunities for anyone who is working on their own recovery and healing, or anyone who is impacted by their loved one’s journey toward recovery and healing to have a safe, confidential place to share experiences and build hope through community.

These are open meetings meaning that anyone can join at any time.

What to expect

  • Devotion followed by a short discussion
  • Sharing time
  • Theme discussion – each time we meet we will have a theme relevant to the groups purpose
  • Ending prayer


Heritage Hall (old fellowship hall)

All are welcome!

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The Lutheran Course – Beginning October 4

The Lutheran Course

Are you interested in learning more about the Lutheran faith?  Have questions but haven’t had a chance to ask them?  Wonder what all this talk about God’s grace means?  Join us for a six week session on the   basics of the Lutheran faith.  We will meet in the fellowship hall at 11:30 a.m. on Sundays starting October 4th and ending November 8th.

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Walking Together in Faith – September 27, 9:15 am

Cross and Human

Anyone who is on their own path to healing and recovery or anyone who is impacted by addiction and mental illness are invited to our open support meeting.  This group is called Walking Together in Faith. These open meetings will be held every 4th Sunday between the two services from 9:15-10:15.

We will meet in the basement (Heritage Hall). We will pray, share only if you want, talk about various themes, and support one another in a safe, confidential setting. If you want more information please contact us.

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