FUZZNUTS! is looking for volunteers!


FUZZNUTS! is an organization that helps families with kids in the hospital by running errands for them.  We do this so that parents and staff can stay with the kids.  We formed FUZZNUTS! in memory of Aaron Johnson.  His experience as a leukemia patient showed us that time spent together as a family would prove to be the most essential “therapy” a child going through cancer treatment can receive.  When you volunteer you are simply agreeing to be “on-call” a couple of days a month to run errands.  There is no cost to volunteers.  Please check out our website  www.fuzznuts.org

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Diaper Drive – Youth Gathering

In July, thousands of ELCA youth and adults will descend on Detroit for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, including 11 of our own members here at Halfway Creek.  While the media leads us down a discouraging path through the stories it tells of Detroit, those of us planning the event have witnessed stories of Detroit residents who are fearlessly and enthusiastically reinvesting in the city’s rising. For example, Marybeth Levine wants to supply enough diapers for everyone who needs them.

Marybeth, a.k.a. the “Diaper Lady” recognized a need and created a solution in 2009 by starting the Detroit Area Diaper Bank (DADB). She was motivated by stories of low-income families stealing or reusing diapers. She also heard stories of desperate moms and dads sending their toddlers to preschool wearing plastic grocery bags when their supply of diapers ran out.

 Chicago Pizza on the way to Youth Gathering 2015You are invited to donate diapers to send along with our youth.  If you would prefer, you can also donate money and we will purchase diapers in Detroit with that money.  You can simply write a check and make it out to Halfway Creek and put in the memo line, “Diaper drive”.

Collecting, sorting, and delivering diapers are among the service projects out people attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering will participate in. Diapers will be collected at the 150-plus hotels where youth groups will stay. On our service day, young people will load the diapers into trailers that will be hauled by local volunteers to the Starfish Family Services building. ELCA youth will unload the diapers into the Starfish facility, take inventory, and organize them by size.

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Habitat for Humanity – Service Opportunity and Noisy Offering

Assembled Lunches

The La Crosse Habitat for Humanity chapter is hosting a group of 30 people from Amery, WI who are here to work on building homes next week.  We have offered to provide lunches for those volunteers on Monday, June 15.  This Sunday after our 9 am worship, we invite you to stay a few minutes after the service to help assemble lunches.  We will meet in the narthex and it should only take a few minutes if we have enough people.  Plastic gloves will be provided.  We will also take a noisy offering on Sunday to help offset the cost of the lunches.

The Habitat organization has also invited us to come out on Monday anytime during the day and help out with building one of the houses.  That address is 1524 South 10th Street, La Crosse.  Habitat is a wonderful ministry and this is a great opportunity to Reach Out to Share Christ With All.  Please contact us to let Pastor Jean know if you are interested in going on Monday.  Thank you!

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Walking in the Word – Seeking Shoe Donations


Our La Crosse Area Synod assembly will gather the weekend of June 13.  The theme this year is “Walking in the Word” and each congregation is encouraged to bring new shoes to donate which will be given to local clothes closets.  We would like to bring at least 3 pairs of new shoes.  Please reply to this email if you’d like to donate or simply bring the shoes to worship on Sunday.  Thank you!

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LEGO Drive (throughout May)


A LEGO drive to benefit children in local hospitals is being spearheaded by a group called FUZZO’S FRIENDS which is  “children helping children” and is affiliated with the FUZZNUTS organization.  FUZZNUTS was founded by Rob Johnson after he lost his 10 year old son to cancer.  Aaron Johnson was a student at Evergreen Elementary.  Please help the dedicated kids of FUZZO’S FRIENDS deliver a truckload of LEGO sets or used LEGO bricks to the local hospitals. A donation box is located in the front of the sanctuary. There will also be a collection box at the outdoor viewing of “The Lego Movie” at Halfway Creek Bandshell onFriday, May 22 starting at 7:30p.

You can also learn more about FUZZNUTS at  http://www.fuzznuts.org

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“Share Food with All” Food Drive celebration May 10th

Hands holding out bread

Please join us as we will celebrate after both services on Sunday, May 10th, Mother’s Day, with cake and cookies provided by Outreach. Our Sunday school will sing the food challenge song, ‘If I were a Butterfly’ at 10:30 service.

Remember to bring in non-perishable food items.
Continue to ShopWithScrip using our enrollment code:
See the full details on the ShopWithScrip program.

Place stickers for each food item & scrip order on the animals; food items will be bagged and placed in the Sanctuary on Sunday. Please feel free to take one if you know of someone in need at this time.

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“Share Food With All” Info

Hands holding out bread

Thank you for supporting “Share Food With All” Mission:

Many area residents are in need of a little help; whether it’s to get to the next paycheck, provide lunches for a child, meals to seniors, or a struggling college student.

Halfway Creek Lutheran Church’s Share Food With All program is intended to help meet the basic human needs of people within our community.

Together we can assist those who have an unexpected life change; are hungry, homeless, struggling or disadvantaged. For every $10 raised, a $10 food or gas card will be purchased by Halfway Creek’s Outreach Coordinators. The cards will be given to Pastor Jean Pagliaro for distribution.

Sharing Food With All teaches Christ’s lessons of love and understanding to supporters and offers hope and faith to recipients.

How to use Shop with Scrip


  • Go to: ShopWithScripLogo
  • Select Join a Scrip Program
  • Enter SFWA Enrollment Code:

  • Complete the family enrollment information and click register. You will now be enrolled in Halfway Creek Lutheran Church Share Food With All Scrip program.
  • Set up PrestoPay payment information from the Dashboard

Order payment options

Continue reading ““Share Food With All” Info”

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