The earthquake had even greater impacts than initially known. The United Nations reports that more than 3,300 people are dead, more than 6,800 injured, and 8 million people are affected by this disaster. We will be taking a noisy offering at church the next two Sundays, May 2nd and May 9th. Please bring your change to put into tin pans as we support the people who have been devastated by this earthquake.
ShareServe Your Neighbor Day – May 3 – 1 pm
Halfway Creek, Journey, and Holmen Lutheran churches will once again be working together to serve our community for our annual Serve Your Neighbor day. We will meet at 1:00 on May 3rd at the Halfway Creek Park Holmen Bandshell (map). There we will sign up for various service work opportunities throughout the community. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! If you have a need where we could be of help, or know of someone that could benefit from this, please respond to this email!
ShareFinancial Fitness Series
We have a financial fitness series planned. On April 19, Alana Havenstrite will be giving the sermon at both services. She is a local woman who lost her husband when he was stung by a bee on a family vacation. Her story will “awaken a reality that hit most in a painful place.” Her message will deliver the importance of always being financially prepared for unexpected events, as well as
The following week, Altra Federal Credit Union will be offering a financial preparedness presentation from 9:15-10:00. Their energetic financial literacy coordinator, Tony Beyer, will share tips on budgeting, saving, life insurance, and topics that should be discussed so you’re prepared for an unexpected life chance.
ShareGood Friday Worship – April 3 – Two Opportunities
Noon – We will start at noon at the Band shell at Halfway Creek Park in Holmen and walk through the community, pausing at places for song, prayer, and scripture. We will end up at Holmen Lutheran with an indoor worship focused on the seven last words of Christ. The worship service begins at 1:00 pm
7:00 pm – Tenebrae Service at Halfway Creek
Tenebrae means darkness or shadows. At the final words of Jesus, our church will be immersed in total darkness. The focus on the rising darkness reminds us of the suffering of our Lord in payment of penalty for our sins.
Get Active Today
For the month of February, keep track of the days you’ve completed fitness activities (highlight, star, or cross off your calendars that you received in the most recent newsletter). If you’ve completed at least 10 activities during the month, fill out the online form or the forms at church. We will hold monthly incentive drawings and after a year we will recognize those who completed 12 months of activities!
Also, if you are already active for 30 minutes or more a day, you are eligible for the drawing as well! Simply fill out the form and indicate how you’ve been staying active. You can also fill out a form at church and place it in the white tennis shoe located on the table near the entryway. Thanks!
ShareHolmen’s Hope Meal – We Serve in February!
We will be hosting the Holmen’s Hope meal on Tuesday, February 24. We are looking for volunteers for the following times:
- 4:15-5:00 pm – Set up (6 people)
- 4:45-6:00 pm – Servers (5 people)
- 6:00-7:00 pm – Servers (5 people)
- 5:30-6:30 pm – Dishes/Clean up (5 people)
- 6:30-7:30 pm – Dishes/Clean up (5 people)
Please contact us if you’d like to volunteer and indicate number of people and time. Thank you!
ShareCome for Supper – We Serve
Halfway Creek will be serving the meal at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in La Crosse on Tuesday, February 17, 4:30-6:00 pm. All are welcome to join us!
ShareCaring Tree coordinator needed
We are in need of someone to coordinate our Caring Tree program. The coordinator will need to pick up tags from Holmen Lutheran the week before Thanksgiving, hang the tags on the tree at church, make sure all tags are taken, and then deliver the gifts to Holmen Lutheran. Please respond to this email if you are interested in helping!
ShareWrap up for Winter Coat Drive – October 30th
Thrivent Financial is hosting a winter coat drive, Thursday, Oct. 30th. Just drop off your clean, gently used coats, of all sizes, on your way to work (7:00 – 7:30 am ) or on your way home (4:00 – 6:00 pm) at our office, 505 Empire St., Holmen, WI. You won’t even have to get out of your car, we’ll take them from you as you drive in! You can also drop off coats any time to our office during regular office hours. Thank you for helping all keep warm during the cold Wisconsin winter.