Kornfest Float

Korn Fest

We will be having a float in this year’s Holmen Kornfest Parade on August 16th and we could use some help!    We already have volunteers who have given us a trailer and a truck to pull the float.  Here is what we  still need:

  • People to ride on float or hand out candy
  • A group to help decorate the float

We will work on the float starting Sunday, August 10

Please call the church office if you are able to help with any of these things.  This is a great way to “Reach out to share Christ with all”!

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Noisy Offering for Lutheran Campus Ministry – July 13 and 20


Lutheran Campus Ministry—La Crosse has received a challenge gift of $20,000.  An anonymous supporter of this ministry to the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Viterbo University and Western Technical College has offered to match all donations received from individual donors and families during the months of July and  August, up to $20,000.

Lutheran Campus Ministry deeply appreciates the generosity of their donor and asks you to assist us in meeting this person’s challenge.  Meeting this goal will help them to continue to provide full time campus ministry to our area colleges.  They will be able to continue their partnership with Crossroads Campus Ministry, offering radical hospitality to students in their new building: Common Ground.  They will be able to meet the challenges of ministering to students in the 2nd decade of the 21st century.  These students are our hope. They are our joy.

July 13 & 20 we will be taking a Noisy Offering to help support this vital ministry.  Thank you!

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Mission Trip – Prayers Requested!

YouthWorks Logo

12 adults and youth will be going to San Diego for a YouthWorks mission trip from July 20-July 27.  We ask for your prayers as our participants serve God through their work and as they grow in their understanding of mission and what it means to Reach Out to serve others! 

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Pop Can Delivery

Pop Can Recycling Pic

We are looking for one or two volunteers to take the pop cans to the recycling center about once a month. 

Bill Achterkirch and Mary Ann Hadl have taken this project on for many years and we thank them for their willingness to do this. 

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Serve Your Neighbor Day – June 8

Serve Your Neighbor Image

The second annual Holmen Area Lutherans “Serve Your Neighbor Day” will be Sunday, June 8th.  Halfway Creek Lutheran, Journey Lutheran, and Holmen Lutheran are joining hands to serve our community.  We will gather at noon on the 8th at Halfway Creek Park in the shelter to get assignments to serve and from there go into our community and serve our neighbors  There will be many  service opportunities.  If you have yard tools, work gloves and other things that could be shared, that would be appreciated.

We are looking for more service opportunities, so please let us know of people/places that could use a few helping hands. 

At the end of our service, 5:00 pm, we will gather for a grill-out potluck at the Halfway Creek Park and celebrate the day.  Bring a dish to pass and something to grill and we will enjoy food and fellowship together.

You do not have to serve the entire time, and there are many projects that will be shorter in duration if you cannot commit to the whole day.

Let’s roll up our sleeves, dig out those work gloves, and give God glory by serving Christ through our neighbor!

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“Come for Supper” is hosted by Living Hope, 15360 East 4th Street, Ettrick, Wisconsin third Sunday of each month from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. We will serve the meal on July 20.

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Green Thumbs and Grubby Fingernails

Pic of Vegetables

Our Halfway Creek garden is planted (the easy part) and will need care from caring hands to grow and thrive this summer. You are invited to help weed and water and harvest as needed. If you don’t have green thumbs, then grubby fingernails will do! There will be a sign up sheet going around church every Sunday if you are interested in helping out with our garden or contact Pastor Jean.  Go down to the garden and take a look!Halfway Creek donates all the vegetables from the garden to local food pantries and Holmen’s Hope. 

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