PATH TO REFORMATION: Journey to Germany this coming June

Path To Reformation - Germany Tour Flyer Cover

Many of you have heard of PATH TO REFORMATION, the pilgrimage journey to Germany this coming June. Our La Crosse Synod ELCA has designed this custom journey for you to the places of Martin Luther’s birth and death, the churches he preached in, the places of his calling and teaching and writing. You’ll learn more about his spiritual awakening, and perhaps experience one of your own. Maybe you’re thinking, ‘I’ve already been to Germany.’ Or maybe you’re thinking you could go on your own next year, or the year after. But on this journey, you’ll get into places that aren’t always open to the general public and cookie cutter tours and see special exhibits and exhibitions that will only be available and happening this year. It’s almost ironic. This invitation reminds me of a recent Gospel lesson, where Jesus invites Simon Peter and Andrew, and James and John to follow him on a special journey. They did, and they were forever changed. Bishop Arends invites you to take this very special opportunity to travel with a theologian and a community of like believers to places important to your beliefs and faith and also come back inspired and changed in some way. Registration closes March 1, so don’t wait too long to drop whatever you’re doing and go. Full color brochures with all the necessary information are available on synod web page .

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Bread, Wine, Bible

First Communion Class—Saturday, February 18, 9 am to 11:45 am

If you have a child receiving communion who has not attended any instruction, or if you have a child who is in 2nd grade through 5th grades and would like, with your approval, to begin receiving communion, this is your class.  Confirmation age students will receive their instruction during regular confirmation classes, as we are studying the sacraments.

We will have fun, bake bread, and explore what goes into the bread and cup.  There is mystery in ordinary things.  Gods wants to share the mystery and the promise with us.  We invite student(s) and at least one parent to join us.  Please contact us if you would like to attend or if you have any questions.

If you have a child outside of the 2nd-5th grade age range, who you would like to receive communion, please speak with Pastor.



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Soup in a bowl

Holmen’s Hope is undertaking another task and hoping our congregation can help.  As we know many children in our community are on free and reduced lunches in our local schools. We believe some of these children may go hungry on the weekends when meals are unavailable.

Holmen’s Hope has started a Friday back pack program where they fill backpacks with non-perishable or microwaveable meals/snacks the children can take home. The children return the backpacks on Monday and Holmen’s Hope refills them weekly.

The school principals and guidance counselors have been the ones selecting the students/families they feel have the most need.

We will be collecting microwavable soups through Sunday, February 12th to present to Holmen’s Hope as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring Program.

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Congregational Meeting Pic

You are invited to come to the annual meeting in the life of the church as the congregation prepares to move ahead into the future. It will take place after worship on February 5.  THERE IS ONE SERVICE THIS DAY AT 10:30 A.M. WITH THE MEETING AND POTLUCK MEAL TO FOLLOW.  One of the marks of discipleship here at Halfway Creek is to “build relationships that foster faith.” That is what we will strive to do in this meeting and in the life of the church!


We will be having a soup and salad potluck this year.  We will have sign up sheets at the Sunday Worship Service.

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Our youth group will be joining the Holmen Lutheran youth again this year for their summer trip.  The dates of the trip are July 23-28, 2017 (possibly 2 more days).  The youth will be attending Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp in Lakeside, Montana, .  They will be participating in  Glacier Wilderness Adventures which includes activities like kayaking, white water rafting, and rock climbing.  This trip is open to current 8th grade and high school students.  A deposit of $150 will be due on December 30th for youth who are planning to go.  Total costs and fundraising will be determined by the number of youth attending.  Please contact us with questions or to RSVP for the trip. 

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