Ship at Sea - Horizon

Do you feel God is calling you to leadership within the church?  Would you like to serve as a board officer or do you know someone who would do a great job?  Vision Board is looking for candidates beginning February 2017.  Vision Board members are responsible for overseeing the work of church.  Vision board meets monthly and also has occasional special meetings.  As church leadership, Vision Board members are also expected to worship regularly and participate in the life of the congregation. We will be using a special nomination process this year. There will be more information in the January newsletter.

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Call Committee


The Vision Board will be forming a Call Committee of six members to call a new pastor.  This committee will be demographically diverse. People willing to serve on this committee must be willing to serve for at least a year and make this commitment a priority.  If you are interested in serving on the Call Committee, please contact a member of the Vision Board so that your name can be added to list of possible committee members.

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Congregational Meeting – Result: Approved

Congregational Meeting Pic

This Sunday we will be holding a congregational meeting following the 9:00 a.m. worship service for the purpose of accepting a gift of land which will enable our congregation to bring both our existing building and building project into compliance with current zoning codes, side yard distance, and setback requirements.  Once the gift of the land is accepted, it can be rezoned so that we can commence construction with the building project.

All eligible voting members are encouraged to attend.  Per our constitution, voting members are confirmed members who have communed in this congregation and have made a contribution of record to this congregation during the current or preceding calendar year.  We will have childcare available for the meeting.  Following the meeting, we will have fellowship and refreshments!

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Vision Board Minutes – May 8, 2014

David Gates called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

Pastor led us in a devotional about dreams and goals, which we will revisit at the June meeting.

Secretary’s Report was presented. Lee Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes, Susan Chase seconded. Motion passed.

David informed us of what is happening with the variance application for the building addition. The next meeting for the variance is May 12.

Carolyn Hackett presented the board with information regarding bonding, the contractor’s certificate of liability insurance, and the subcontractor’s agreement. Continue reading “Vision Board Minutes – May 8, 2014”

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Vision Board Minutes – March 23, 2014

Sunday, March 23rd, 2014

Bob Bandoli called the meeting to order at 9:46 am.

The following members were present: Sydney Craig, Susan Chase, Marna Holley, Brian Mueller, Shelly Vander Linden, and Bob Bandoli (presiding).

Archie Achterkirch presented the recommendations of the Second Century committee. Three bids were submitted for approval by the Vision Board. Continue reading “Vision Board Minutes – March 23, 2014”

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Vision Board Minutes – March 13, 2014

David Gates called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

Secretary’s report was approved. Bob Bandoli made the motion and Lee Anderson seconded. We were updated on the terms that the Mission Investment Fund and Merchants Bank submitted for the building loan.

There was a contractor open house on March 13th that was very well attended by reputable local companies. The contractor bids are due March 20th.

Bob Bandoli gave the treasurer’s report. He is presenting both a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet. Our accountant, Katie from Stetzer Accounting, is working with us to develop rules and procedures for the treasurer and finance team.

Lynn Wegner presented the Second Century Committee’s recommendation for our primary lender for the building addition. Continue reading “Vision Board Minutes – March 13, 2014”

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