Journey Lutheran

Journey will be offering service at 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Eve. There will be a combined choir from Journey, Holmen Lutheran, and Halfway Creek Lutheran for this service. Rehearsal will take place at Journey at 6 pm on Thanksgiving Eve.  If you are interested in singing, please contact Lynn Wegner for a copy of the music.  Also, you may listen to the choir piece via this link or by searching Blessings over me on the website

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We are in need of families to help light the Advent candles and read a short Advent narrative during the Sundays in Advent and Christmas Eve services. Not everyone from the family needs to speak.

Family can be two old or new friends, a couple, several generations, other extended family, or a family of parents and children. Whatever is family to you.

Sign up here!

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All Saints Sunday on November 6 provides an opportunity to give thanks for all the faithful saints – those who have gone before us and those still living.  As part of our commemoration, we mark two anniversaries – those who have been baptized into the communion of saints during this past year as well as those who have passed on and have entered into life with Christ.  Please plan to attend this special service.

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Summer Ushers and Acolytes Needed


Are you interested in helping out at worship services this summer?  We typically have confirmation students and their families Usher and Acolyte, but in the summer, we open this up to anyone that wants to help.  This is open to people of all ages.  Families with young children may want to volunteer as a way to introduce them to serving in the church.  Your duties are to light the candles before service, hand out bulletins and take up the collection.  If we get enough volunteers, you may only be asked to do this once this summer.  Please look for a sign-up sheet during Worship services.  You can also sign up online via this link.  

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