Journey Lutheran will be hosting Wednesday evening outdoor worship in conjunction with Holmen Lutheran and Halfway Creek Lutheran. The services will be held at 6:30 pm continuing through August 31. There will be hotdogs and s’mores each week.

Journey Lutheran will be hosting Wednesday evening outdoor worship in conjunction with Holmen Lutheran and Halfway Creek Lutheran. The services will be held at 6:30 pm continuing through August 31. There will be hotdogs and s’mores each week.
ShareMaundy Thursday Worship Service – 6:00 P.M.
You and your entire family are invited to join us on Thursday, March 24, for a soup dinner and communion service. On this night we remember and celebrate the supper Jesus shared with his disciples. The meal of soup and bread will be served family style and we will have a time of worship including communion. We will serve each other communion at the tables – it is a unique experience to serve each other communion and we invite all to participate in this evening!
Good Friday Schedule
Noon – “Crosswalk” *Meet at Bandshell*
A more “family friendly” way to observe Good Friday. We will start at noon at the Bandshell in Halfway Creek Park in Holmen and walk through the community, pausing at places for song, prayer and scripture. We will end up at Holmen Lutheran with an indoor worship focused on the seven last words of Christ. The worship service begins at 1:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M. – Good Friday Tenebrae Service @ Halfway Creek
Tenebrae means darkness or shadows. At the final word, the church will be immersed in total darkness. The focus on rising darkness reminds us of the suffering and forsakenness of our Lord in payment of the penalty for our sins.
Easter Service Schedule
7:00 A.M. – Sunrise Service in Whispering Pines *Weather Permitting*
9:00 A.M. – Festive Worship Service in the Sanctuary
10:30 A.M. – Festive Worship Service in the Santcuary – Sunday School Sings.
Our youth will serve Easter breakfast from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. The menu is egg bake, muffins, fruit bread, fruit, milk, coffee and juice. A free will offering will be taken to support the youth. Invite your friends and relative!
ShareWe will be offering a First Communion class to anyone interested in receiving communion. We do not have a set age requirement for receiving first communion and the class is open to anyone who would like to participate. Please contact us if you have someone who would like to be a part of the class.
ShareDecember 20
8am – Traditional Advent Service
10:30am – Blue Christmas Service – A service for those who are struggling in any way or who are in need of healing during this Christmas season. The service will include a time for you to request prayers of healing for yourself and others.
December 24 – Christmas Eve
2:00 pm – Children’s message, service of candlelight, special music
4:00 pm – Children’s message, service of candlelight, special music
9:00 pm – Service of candlelight, special music
There will be NO Christmas Day service this year. The following churches are holding Christmas Day services: First Lutheran, Onalaska (9 am); and Our Savior’s Church (10 am), West Salem
December 27
9:00 am – ONE SERVICE this day
ShareAt Christmas, we decorate the church in celebration of the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will now be taking orders for poinsettias. They are $14.00 this year. If you would like to present a poinsettia in honor, memory, or celebration of a person or event, please fill out the order form found in the bulletin and the December newsletter, or contact us.
ShareThis year we are hosting a Thanksgiving Eve service at 6:30 pm. We will be combined with Journey and Holmen Lutheran churches. We will host a coffee and pie fellowship hour after the service and so we are looking for people to donate pies for the evening. Please contact us if you can help!