Confirmands will be affirming their baptism in the Rite of Confirmation on Sunday, May 7 at the 10:30 a.m. worship. Support our young people on this milestone of their faith journey!

5:30 p.m. — Dinner served by the Youth/Confirmation Students
March 8th—Tator Tot Casserole
March 15th—Chili
March 22nd—Soup
March 29th—Spaghetti
April 5th—Tacos
A free will offering will be taken for the dinner. All proceeds for the dinner will support the youth on their faith exploration trip to the Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp this summer.
6:00 p.m.—Worship in the sanctuary
6:30 7:15 p.m.—Small group discussion in the narthex
We will be using the Walking the Bible video series narrated by Bruce Feiler. The video series was originally shown on PBS and is described as “Both a heart-racing adventure and an uplifting quest, Walking the Bible presents one man’s epic journey—by foot, jeep, rowboat, and camel—through the greatest stories ever told. A once–in-a lifetime journey, Walking the Bible offers new insights into the roots of our common faith and uncovers fresh answers to the most profound questions of the human spirit.”
We will walk together through the landscape, both geographical and spiritual, of the first five books of the Bible-The Torah or Pentateuch.
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.—Confirmation
ShareMarch 30: 6 pm Confirmation class/Faith Statements will be introduced to those getting confirmed
April 6: 6 pm Confirmation class
April 9: Walk for Water at Valley View Mall – Working from 10:45 – 11: 45 am
April 13: 6 pm Confirmation class with Pastor Janet
April 20: 6 pm Confirmation class
April 27: 6 pm Last Confirmation class/Picnic and Practice for Confirmation Sunday
May 1: Confirmation Sunday – Confirmands attend both 8 & 10:30 am services
ShareThere will be a meeting for Confirmation parents, and parents of youth attending the mission trip on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. at church. We ask that only parents attend this meeting. The youth trip is still on for this summer. More details regarding youth activities will be announced soon by the Youth Team.
ShareAll youth are invited to join us at 6:00pm for our annual Christmas party and gift exchange.
It will be a fun white elephant gift exchange! Bring a random gift that costs no more than a dollar or you can bring something from home. Wrap it as you would like but NO NAME on it. We will play a game to see who ends up with the gifts…who knows what you will end up with???
ShareConfirmands will be affirming their baptism in the Rite of Confirmation on May 4th. They will give their faith statements at both services. Come and support our young people on this milestone of their faith journey! Our confirmands this year are: Cassey Bandoli, Tyson Gates, Zach Gordon, Kindra Johnson, Lars Oines, Trevor Plomedahl, Rachael Temp, and Jordyn Stasiak.