November 29 – NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
December 6 – 9:15 am – Christmas program rehearsal
Saturday, December 12 9:00 am – Christmas program dress rehearsal
Also on Saturday the 12th during rehearsal the children will have a chance to shop for Christmas gifts for family and friends at our Santa’s Workshop. They will pick out gifts (ranging from 25 cents to no more than $2).
Sunday, December 13 – Christmas Program Day!!! Please have your children arrive to church at 9:15 as there will be a rehearsal before the program. The program itself will be at the 10:30 service.
Sunday, December 20th – Christmas Caroling at Prairie Home Nursing Home – 9:15 am
We will meet at Prairie Home Nursing Home at 9:15. Please stay with your children because caroling will only take about 15 minutes. After they are finished singing there will be a coffee hour in the dining room (where we will sing) and all are welcome to stay for awhile and visit! The address is 620 Malin Court, Holmen and it is north of Festival Foods and east of the High School. The residents are very excited for us to be there and so we would love to have a great turnout for this!
Sunday, December 27 – NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
Sunday, January 3 – NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
Sunday, January 10 – Prayer, Pajamas, Pancakes, and Pals Sunday
Wear your PJ’s, bring a friend, and join in the fellowship of breakfast and a movie with your Sunday School friends!