Caring for College is a program that, with the help of the HCLC congregation, I will send care packages to our HCLC college students. This is a great ministry to let our college students know that they are being thought of and prayed for throughout the year. The first packages were sent last Christmas and were a huge hit! I will be collecting items once again to send out a Spring package. Yes, I said SPRING. Having a college freshman attending Madison this year, I know how much the students LOVE to receive care packages in the mail. It’s a great reminder that they are being thought of.
STEP ONE: Please send me the name, address and graduating year of any Halfway Creek Lutheran Church college student as soon as possible. This information can be emailed to Please put “Caring for College” in the subject line. PLEASE let me know if any existing students address’s have changed.
STEP TWO: Please donate items to include in the packages. A list of possible items are listed here, but feel free to donate items NOT on this list as well. Get creative and have fun!
- Granola bars
- Nuts
- Trail mix
- Packaged cookies/Girl Scout Cookies
- Twizzlers
- Cereal bars
- Microwave popcorn
- Animal crackers
- Chewing gum
- Peanut Butter crackers
- M&Ms
- Coffee packets
- Nail polish (for the girls)
- Fuzzy socks
- Window Clings
- Pens/Pencils
- Tide pods (Yes, they DO use them)
- Gift Cards (WalMart, Target, Chain Restaurants)
- *Home-baked treats (Drop off on April 20th)
- Letters and greeting cards with words of encouragement- VERY IMPORTANT ITEM!
STEP THREE: Bring the items to church and put in the tote (located in the back of the church) labelled “Caring for College”. Or call me at 608-769-3984 and I can pick up items.
I will gather items and cards, package in a designer box and ship to our students.
DONATION DATES: Anytime between now and Sunday, April 20th. *Please bring any home-baked goodies to the church ON Sunday, APRIL 20th. I can package in vacuum sealed bags for ideal freshness and shipping.
Please feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions. I think this is a great program to Reach out and Share Christ with our College Students!
Thank you for your help,
Nicole Craig