Our Sunday school children have been invited to to raise funds towards an ELCA World Hunger Good Gift. Our goal is the raise enough for the cost of a family farm, $715. A family farm consists of a cow, a couple of goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, and farming tools, plus agricultural training and marketing support.
On Oct. 18, our Sunday school children received an ELCA ‘God’s Good Gifts’ Barnyard bank box.
- We are hoping that each child raises enough pocket change for 10 baby chicks $10 or $1 a chick, any amount will be greatly appreciated.
- All children are invited to bring their bank to Halfway Creek on Sunday, November 8 at the 10:30 service to place their change in a special “noisy drop” container.
- Thank you for guiding our children as they Reach Out to Share Christ with Christ to all!