Interested in Jazzercise?

Jazzercise Session

There has been some interest in having another session of Jazzercise at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church.  We need 10 paid participants in order to hold the session.  The participants do NOT need to be church members so invite your friends.  Classes would be held on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.  The classes would be held for 8 weeks (dates to be determined) and the cost would be $65.  We are hoping to have our 10 participants by September 30th!

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Choir for Reformation Sunday – October 25


Are you age 12 or older?  Do you like to sing? Join us and sing praises on Reformation Sunday with the Halfway Choir!  Rehearsals will start Sunday, September 27 at 9:15am in the sanctuary.  We will sing at the 8am service onSunday, October 25. No long term commitments, just 5 rehearsals!

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Halfway Hodgepodge – September 20 – ONE SERVICE AT 10:30 am

Halfway Hodgepodge

Halfway Hodgepodge is a progressive meal where you can learn about and volunteer for our ministries here at the church.  Tables will be set up and each will feature a different ministry.  Also at that table will be the next part of your meal.  It is a fun way to see all that we do here!  Hodgepodge will be after our 10:30 am service.  Also that morning we will have “Leather and Lace”, a polka band, leading worship with us!

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Nursery – Volunteers needed


Our nursery will be available at the 10:30 service starting September 27th!  Our little ones are always welcome in the service but parents feel free to utilize the nursery as well!!  The nursery is available for children preschool age and younger.

We are looking for some children-loving volunteers to help out in the nursery. Youth in 6th grade and up are encouraged to volunteer as well as adults. Ideally we will have two volunteers (one adult, one youth) in the nursery. If you are interested please sign up on the sheet that will be passed around during worship or simply reply to this email. We ask for a commitment of at least two services from now until December 27.

There will be a nursery attendant training meeting on Sunday, September 27 at 11:30 am.

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Fellowship Hour – Two Opportunities

Coffee and Treats

We have enjoyed using our new space to host fellowship hour after services this summer.  We would like to continue having this time together so we will offer two coffee hours each Sunday, starting September 27.

We will have one at 9 am and one at 11:30 am.  Responsibilities are to prepare coffee and bring treats as well as clean up afterwards.  If you’d like to sign up to host, please contact us with preferred dates.  Thank you!

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Faith and Fitness Team Winter Challenge

Snow Shoes

We are looking for committee members to create a winter scavenger hunt. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 16 at 6:00. The idea is similar to Checkpoint MN. Check it out at Basically we would create 12-24 checkpoints around our local area that individuals, families, and friends would try to get to over an 8 week period. Checkpoints may be public locations that involve hiking, snow shoeing, etc., or a business that would encourage family togetherness, recreational activities, or spiritual uplifting.  Each checkpoint would have a sign that would have the new HCLC logo, the sponsoring business/organization name, and an inspirational message or scripture verse.

The purpose of this challenge would be to lift spirits, get families and friends out and active, and give individuals ideas of things to do in the winter. HCLC would be reaching out to the community and partnering with area businesses and organizations through this challenge. Businesses would gain additional traffic and could even offer incentives for Challenge participants.

We are looking for people who’d be interested in getting this challenge organized. We need the following talents and interests:

  • Idea people (Where should checkpoints be? What businesses may want to partner with us? What items could be given away?)
  • Web/IT background (How do people record their checkpoints? Where do people gather the information about this challenge?)
  • Community connections (How do we connect with businesses and community members to get sponsorships and give away items? How do we promote this challenge?)
  • Graphics (What do our signs and informational materials look like?)

We will meet Wednesday, September 16 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at church.

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