Faith and Fitness Drawing – July

Runners' Silhouettes

For the month of July, keep track of the days you’ve completed fitness activities (highlight, star, or cross off your calendars that you received in the most recent newsletter).  If you’ve completed at least 10 activities during the month, fill out the online form or the forms at church.  We will hold monthly incentive drawings and after a year we will recognize those who completed 12 months of activities!

Also, if you are already active for 30 minutes or more a day, you are eligible for the drawing as well!  Simply fill out the form and indicate how you’ve been staying active.  You can also fill out a form at church and place it in the white tennis shoe located on the table near the entryway.  Thanks!

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Diaper Drive – Youth Gathering

In July, thousands of ELCA youth and adults will descend on Detroit for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, including 11 of our own members here at Halfway Creek.  While the media leads us down a discouraging path through the stories it tells of Detroit, those of us planning the event have witnessed stories of Detroit residents who are fearlessly and enthusiastically reinvesting in the city’s rising. For example, Marybeth Levine wants to supply enough diapers for everyone who needs them.

Marybeth, a.k.a. the “Diaper Lady” recognized a need and created a solution in 2009 by starting the Detroit Area Diaper Bank (DADB). She was motivated by stories of low-income families stealing or reusing diapers. She also heard stories of desperate moms and dads sending their toddlers to preschool wearing plastic grocery bags when their supply of diapers ran out.

 Chicago Pizza on the way to Youth Gathering 2015You are invited to donate diapers to send along with our youth.  If you would prefer, you can also donate money and we will purchase diapers in Detroit with that money.  You can simply write a check and make it out to Halfway Creek and put in the memo line, “Diaper drive”.

Collecting, sorting, and delivering diapers are among the service projects out people attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering will participate in. Diapers will be collected at the 150-plus hotels where youth groups will stay. On our service day, young people will load the diapers into trailers that will be hauled by local volunteers to the Starfish Family Services building. ELCA youth will unload the diapers into the Starfish facility, take inventory, and organize them by size.

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Habitat for Humanity – Service Opportunity and Noisy Offering

Assembled Lunches

The La Crosse Habitat for Humanity chapter is hosting a group of 30 people from Amery, WI who are here to work on building homes next week.  We have offered to provide lunches for those volunteers on Monday, June 15.  This Sunday after our 9 am worship, we invite you to stay a few minutes after the service to help assemble lunches.  We will meet in the narthex and it should only take a few minutes if we have enough people.  Plastic gloves will be provided.  We will also take a noisy offering on Sunday to help offset the cost of the lunches.

The Habitat organization has also invited us to come out on Monday anytime during the day and help out with building one of the houses.  That address is 1524 South 10th Street, La Crosse.  Habitat is a wonderful ministry and this is a great opportunity to Reach Out to Share Christ With All.  Please contact us to let Pastor Jean know if you are interested in going on Monday.  Thank you!

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2015 Summer Worship Schedule

Sun Glasses Pic

Our Sunday worship schedule will change for the summer. We will have one Sunday morning service at 9:00 and starting June 14 we will add a 6:00 p.m. service as well. Communion will be offered at both of the Sunday services. Some of the 9:00 am services will be held outside in our outdoor worship area called Whispering Pines (weather permitting).

Location of 9 am Service

June 7 – Outside
June 14 – Inside
June 21 – Outside
June 28 – Inside
July 5 – Inside
July 12 – Outside
July 19 – Inside
July 26 – Outside
August 2 – Inside
August 9 – Outside
August 16 – Inside
August 23 – Outside
August 30 – Inside
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Jazzercise Session

8 week session, starts June 9 at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 am

Sponsored by the Faith and Fitness Team

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Lost and Found Concert – June 12

Michael and George from Lost And Found

Lost and Found Farewell Tour

Riverside Park, downtown La Crosse

6 pm – Come early, bring a picnic lunch – Follow the “Walk the Word” trail to encounter our assembly theme

7 pm – Concert; have your blanket or chairs set up near bandshell for this FREE open-to-the-public concert

Rain venue – La Crosse Central High School, 1801 Losey Blvd., auditorium.

Check out more info at the LOST AND FOUND website or the LOST AND FOUND Facebook page.

For more information: 608-788-5000

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