Annual Meeting – February 1 – ONE SERVICE at 10:30 am


All are invited to attend the annual meeting on February 1.  The meeting will take place following worship.  Fellowship will follow with a potluck and your help is needed to make this years ‘Alphabet’ theme fun.

Please help provide a dish that starts with the letter of your last name from the following courses; Desserts A-I, Main J-R, Side dish/salad S-Z.

Example: Anderson = Apple pie

We hope to see many interesting dishes!

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Volunteers Needed!

Volunteer Hands

Our church addition was blessed to receive a donation of wood trim. The trim (door & window casing and wood base) needs to have the finished removed so it can be re-stained to coordinate with Halfway Creek’s stain color.

There are two opportunities scheduled this weekend for members to assist in this process:

  • Saturday, January 24, 2015
    • 9-11:30 a.m.; 12:30-2:30 p.m.; 3-5:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, January 25, 2015
    • 2:00-5:00 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us. We hope to have many members assist in this process.  All supplies are provided.

Outreach & Fellowship will be providing light snacks and water.

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WELCA North Conference Newsletter January 2015


WELCA January 2015 Newsletter

WELCA North Conference Newsletter January 2015

The main purpose of the W-ELCA North Conference Newsletter is to use this as a menu for the sharing of North Conference W-ELCA activities, events, ideas, etc. As part of our purpose statement we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.

The sharing of Mission Projects will be one of the shared items. If your unit has something special to offer, please share it with us! This newsletter will be a place to announce activities/events your church is hosting. The sharing of ideas/concerns could also be an outlet as well. Send items to

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Constitution Changes

Proposed Constitution Cover

Over the past couple of years, we as a congregation have updated our constitution to reflect the activities of Halfway Creek Lutheran Church and the Model Constitution for Congregations of the ELCA. About every two years, the ELCA updates the model constitution. That was done in 2013. Our current constitution does not yet include those changes/updates. At the annual meeting we will seek approval to add these changes/ updates to our current HCLC constitution. You can view the “draft” constitution on our website . We will also have copies available at church. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact the church office at 608-526-3701.

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Get Active Today

Walking Cartoon

For the month of January, keep track of the days you’ve completed fitness activities (highlight, star, or cross off your calendars that you received in the most recent newsletter).  If you’ve completed at least 10 activities during the month, fill out the online form or the forms at church.  We will hold monthly incentive drawings and after a year we will recognize those who completed 12 months of activities!

Also, if you are already active for 30 minutes or more a day, you are eligible for the drawing as well!  Simply fill out the form and indicate how you’ve been staying active.  You can also fill out a form at church and place it in the white tennis shoe located on the table near the entryway.  Thanks!

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NO Sunday school December 21 or 28

Bible, Glasses, Pen

Just a reminder that there is no Sunday school the next two weeks. We will resume Sunday school on January 4th at 9:15 am with our Prayer, Pajamas, Pancakes, and Pals party.  Students are invited to wear their jammies to Sunday school (and church), bring a friend, have a hot pancake breakfast, and celebrate the new year with us!

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Sunday School Caroling at Prairie Home Assisted Living Facility – December 14th – 9:15 am

Youth Singing

The residents at Prairie Home in Holmen are very excited to have our Sunday school students visit this Sunday!  We will meet at Prairie Home at 9:15 to sing carols and distribute homemade cards that the students created a few weeks ago.  We will be done singing at 9:45 am, so please plan to either stay with your children, or pick up at Prairie Home at 9:45The address is 620 Malin Court, Holmen.

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