Conversation and Celebration – October 25


Please join us on Saturday, October 25th from 9-12 for Conversation and Celebration of who we are and what God is calling us to be as a congregation.  Team members are strongly encouraged to attend so please mark this on your calendars now.  You do not need to be a part of a team to join us.  All are welcome and we would love to have you as a part of the morning!

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Trunk or Treat – October 25 – Halfway Creek parking lot

Trunk or Treat

Join us from 12-3 pm on the 25th for our second annual Trunk or Treat event!  You are invited to decorate your trunk, car, tractor, wagon…whatever vehicle you have and children will trick or treat to each vehicle!  You are welcome to come in costume and bring your own bucket of treats.  There will be a hotdog lunch, a cake walk, face painting, and more.  Please look for sign up sheets going around church or contact us if you’d like to have a vehicle in the trunk or treat event or can volunteer in another capacity.  Thanks!

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“Get Moving Today” Suggestions

Walking Cartoon

Each week we’ll be offering suggestions for how you can ‘get moving’ during your day!  Have fun and have your family join you!

  • Thursday:  Do 10 jumping jacks
  • Friday:  Dance to a song on the radio
  • Saturday:  Take a break and stretch, reach, and bend as you take big breaths
  • Sunday:  Do the Twist!  Sit or stand on a t-shirt and twist away
  • Monday:  Rake piles of leaves and jump into them!
  • Tuesday:  Step up on the bottom step 10 times.  Alternate right to left
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David Berling – October 19

David Berling Golfing

We will be welcoming David Berling, a Holmen native, to Halfway Creek on Sunday, October 19th.  He will be giving the message at both services.  David has a very moving story to share and we encourage you to come and hear how his faith has helped him through very difficult and challenging experiences.  Here is part of his story:

On the night of April 29, 2007, while an active duty Air Force Captain, David Berling was in a private plane crash in Los Angeles.  He was the only person on board.  Ultimately, David suffered multiple injuries requiring two amputations, 28 surgeries, and a hospital stay of over two months.  He recently wrote a book, “Just Living the Dream: No Way Out But Through”.  We hope to see you on October 19th!

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2014 – 2015 Sunday School Schedule

Sunday School Schedule

09/21 – SS (Pick Pumpkins/Noah’s Ark)
09/28 – SS (The Red Sea) & SING
10/05 – Hans Mayer @Journey Lutheran 9:15 AM
10/12 – SS (The Battle of Jericho)
10/19 – SS (Creation)
10/26 – SS, Kids SING, Fall Party
11/02 – SS (Adam & Eve)
11/09 – SS (The First Sin)
11/16 – SS (Daniel & Lions) Christmas Practice
11/23 – SS, SING, **Party**, Christmas Practice
11/30 – No Sunday School
12/06 – Saturday Christmas Paractice Time TBD
12/14 – SS (Caroling at Nursing Home)
12/21 – No Sunday School
12/28 – No Sunday School
01/04 – SS, **Prayers, Pancakes, and PJ Party**
01/11 – SS (Simeon & Anna)
01/18 – SS ( Jesus’ Baptism)
01/25 – SS (The Boy at the Temple) and SING
02/01 – SS (Baby Moses)
02/08 – SS (Abraham & Sarah’s Visitors)
02/15 – SS, **Beach Party**
02/22 – SS (Naomi & Ruth) and SING
03/01 – SS (A Storm)
03/08 – SS (A Centurion’s Servant)
03/15 – SS (Holy Week)
03/22 – SS (The Empty Tomb)
03/29 – SS **Easter Party**
04/05 – SING at 10:30 Service, No Sunday School **Easter**
04/12 – SS (Sugar Creek Bible Camp Day)
04/19 – SS (The Great Commission)
04/26 – SS (Peter Heals)
05/03 – SS (Paul’s Letters)
05/10 – SS (Early Believers) and SING
05/17 – SS (last day SS, plant pumpkins)
05/31 – SING at building dedication (Will only be a 10:30 Service this day)

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Halfway Choir Rehearsals to Begin Soon


Halfway Choir will soon begin rehearsing for its Christmas program.  Rehearsals will be held at 7 pm on Wednesday evenings and the program will be performed on Sunday, December 14th during worship.  Please watch the announcements for more information regarding the starting date for rehearsals.

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“Get Moving Today” Suggestions

Walking Cartoon

Each week we’ll be offering suggestions for how you can ‘get moving’ during your day!  You also should have received an insert in your newsletter with suggestions.  Have fun and have your family join you!

  • Wednesday:  Go on a rock hunt and sort the rocks you find by size or color.
  • Thursday:  Read nature-related books and go outside to look for wildlife, like birds, bugs, and squirrels.
  • Friday:  Walk backwards trying to stay in a straight line.
  • Saturday:  Pick up some sticks around the yard, line them up and jump over them
  • Sunday:  With a small ball, toss it up in the air and catch it 10 times.
  • Monday:  Do 30 minutes of aerobic activity such as biking, elliptical, treadmill, running
  • Tuesday:  Park as far from the store as you an.
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