Check out Pastor Chris’ Preaching Blog.  A collection of sermons and other thoughts.

Pastor Chris

Greetings in the name of Christ!

It is my pleasure, as I look forward to joining you as pastor and walking with you in living out God’s mission in Holmen, to introduce myself and my family by way of this biographical letter.

I’ve been a pastor since 2017—I like to call it the 500 th year of the Reformation, that seems to give it an air of significance. My wife and I both graduated from Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa that year. With us at the time was our daughter Anika, who came to many classes with us her first year (though I don’t suppose she retained much of the theology), and our dog Raji (he’s a chihuahua/papillon mix). After we were called to our first congregations and serving for a while, we had our set of twins, Soren and Gretchen, about 9 months before this pandemic began changing the world.

My wife, Luci, and I have been married since 2010. We met at Luther Park Bible Camp a few years before that, where we were on staff together. Our current hobbies include taking care of kids and cuddling the dog. But once upon a time we enjoyed other things as well–theatre and coffee shops are ones we especially like together. Luci also enjoys crafting and putting together puzzles. I play music and enjoy tinkering with technology.

Anika will be entering second grade. She is really into dance, particularly ballet, and was determined to be a competitive swimmer before the pandemic took out the lessons this past year. She would love to get into that again.

As a pastor I am really looking forward to getting to know you and to becoming reacquainted with Holmen. I love to dream and experiment with ministry. I believe that we learn a lot when we try things—and not just when they are successful. My favorite small group activities have been engaging Bible studies where lots of questions are asked. I enjoy finding time for intentional conversations and look for opportunities to wrestle with tough issues from a faith perspective and in Christian community.

Having grown up in Holmen (I graduated HHS class of 2006), I am excited to be back close to family. Holmen has grown and changed so much since I’ve been away (again, since about 2006), I am eager to experience it in an new way and to see what God is up to among all the people forming amazing new community. I like to think that where people are coming together, God is especially active. It is the fun of the church to figure out how to fit into that activity in a positive way.

I am thrilled to be able to begin with you in May, even if most of what we do together is still distanced and virtual. I hope many of you will find time to call or meet by some video conference medium. In early June I will be able to be more present, by also being in the office, though I hope that never becomes a restriction to engaging in the wider community.

Finally, I want to say again how excited I am to be with you as pastor, to learn all your passions and struggles, to hear what God is up to in your lives, and to find the amazing things God is calling us to in our community.

Until then,
God bless you and Christ’s peace be upon you!

-Pastor Chris