Many of you have heard of PATH TO REFORMATION, the pilgrimage journey to Germany this coming June. Our La Crosse Synod ELCA has designed this custom journey for you to the places of Martin Luther’s birth and death, the churches he preached in, the places of his calling and teaching and writing. You’ll learn more about his spiritual awakening, and perhaps experience one of your own. Maybe you’re thinking, ‘I’ve already been to Germany.’ Or maybe you’re thinking you could go on your own next year, or the year after. But on this journey, you’ll get into places that aren’t always open to the general public and cookie cutter tours and see special exhibits and exhibitions that will only be available and happening this year. It’s almost ironic. This invitation reminds me of a recent Gospel lesson, where Jesus invites Simon Peter and Andrew, and James and John to follow him on a special journey. They did, and they were forever changed. Bishop Arends invites you to take this very special opportunity to travel with a theologian and a community of like believers to places important to your beliefs and faith and also come back inspired and changed in some way. Registration closes March 1, so don’t wait too long to drop whatever you’re doing and go. Full color brochures with all the necessary information are available on synod web page .