During the month of August, Halfway Creek will be collecting 100 nail clippers, toothbrushes, and combs for the personal needs kits. Collection boxes will be downstairs for these items. We would also welcome any other small personal items. Journey Lutheran is collecting the baby kit items.
Lutheran World Relief asks that all items be new and without any religious, military, nationality, flags, or camouflage markings on them. We will spend a little while putting together personal health and baby kits. This lets us create a great assembly line, with great results.
Halfway will secure a grant for LWR Personal Needs Kits and collect nail clippers, toothbrushes, and combs. Journey will find a grant for Baby Kits and supply the items, and Holmen will secure the food grant for and organize lunch, and the tents, Halfway has secured a grant for other personal kit items.
It’s time to reeeeeaaaach out. Project Promise Personal Care Kits are shared with people who have lost everything from a natural disaster or life-threatening violence.