Vision Board Minutes – May 8, 2014

David Gates called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

Pastor led us in a devotional about dreams and goals, which we will revisit at the June meeting.

Secretary’s Report was presented. Lee Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes, Susan Chase seconded. Motion passed.

David informed us of what is happening with the variance application for the building addition. The next meeting for the variance is May 12.

Carolyn Hackett presented the board with information regarding bonding, the contractor’s certificate of liability insurance, and the subcontractor’s agreement.

The Financial Team report was presented. Thanks to an increase in giving, we were able to send an installment on our commitment to the Synod.

We discussed choosing board liaisons to each of the church teams. We will choose at the June meeting after becoming familiar with the responsibilities of each team.

Marna Holley is putting together a Communication Team to handle long term communication plans for the church. There will also be a Technology Team assembled to handle short and long term technology issues. Two of the first issues to be addressed will be developing a logo with which we can be instantly identified, and updating the website to better achieve our mission.

Marna Holley has posted a video of the 10:30 Easter Service on You Tube. We have a channel dedicated to videos from and concerning Halfway Creek Lutheran, and they can be found by searching for Halfway Creek Lutheran Church in You Tube. You can subscribe to the channel and you will receive notification of any updates.

We need to schedule the Team Conversation and Celebration for this fall. This will allow all the teams and all church members to come together and share goals and plans. There has been a catered meal provided in the past and it usually is scheduled for a Saturday in October.

Pastor presented the Confirmands for 2014 to the Vision Board.

New members were acknowledged. We welcome our Confirmands and new members in the love that God has shown us all.

There are two Baptisms coming up on June 1st and June 8th.

The Bishop and Pastor Libby will both be with us on June 8th to celebrate Pentecost.

On Memorial Day weekend, we move to one Sunday morning service at 9am. The first Sunday Evening service will be June 15th at 6pm.

Rich Pedretti will no longer be performing lawn mowing duties. Chad Brandeau has asked to take over those duties, and was the only person to contact Archie with interest. Lee Anderson made a motion to approve. Marna Holley seconded. Motion passed.

Pastor proposed that we use $253.00 from Undesignated Memorials to contribute to World Hunger Relief in honor of the 253 women members of our congregation in honor of Mother’s Day. Brian Mueller made a motion to approve. Shelly Vander Linden seconded. Motion passed.

Pastor is asking for Questions for the summer series of messages.

On May 18th, the pastors of Holmen Lutheran, Journey Lutheran, and Halfway Creek Lutheran will gather with 2 members from each church to work on ways we can further team together and serve the community. Susan Chase and Jen Strangstalien have agreed to attend.

The next Vision Board meeting will be June 12th at 6:30 pm.

Lee Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Syndey Craig seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

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