David Gates called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
Secretary’s report was approved. Bob Bandoli made the motion and Lee Anderson seconded. We were updated on the terms that the Mission Investment Fund and Merchants Bank submitted for the building loan.
There was a contractor open house on March 13th that was very well attended by reputable local companies. The contractor bids are due March 20th.
Bob Bandoli gave the treasurer’s report. He is presenting both a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet. Our accountant, Katie from Stetzer Accounting, is working with us to develop rules and procedures for the treasurer and finance team.
Lynn Wegner presented the Second Century Committee’s recommendation for our primary lender for the building addition. Lee Anderson made a motion to approve the offer submitted by Merchants Bank for $585,000 at an interest rate of 4.25%. Marna Holley seconded. Motion approved.
Pastor Jean updated us on the youth mission trip to California. Fundraising for the trip is complete. Pastor Jean has secured a 12-person van for use while in California. Thanks to Sam Daily for all her work!
The confirmation retreat to Eau Claire was a success. On Saturday, the students served at Hope Gospel Mission and after a full day of service relaxed at Metropolis Resort.
The Vision Board was notified that the raise for church employees approved previously is retroactive to the beginning of the year.
The architect’s fee installment of $18,930.00 was presented for approval. This is the second installment of the fee to which we are contractually obligated. Brian Mueller made a motion to approve. Bob Bandoli seconded. Motion was approved.
The Vision Board designated the following amounts as housing allowance in Pastor Jean Pagliaro’s compensation. This is a designation of a portion of her current compensation and is not additional to her current compensation. Sue Chase made a motion to approve this designation. Lee Anderson seconded. Motion was approved.
- Family Cell Phone and Messaging Plan $1400.00
- Cable and Internet $ 350.00
- Renter’s Insurance $ 575.00
- External Landscaping $ 350.00
- General Upkeep $ 250.00
- Total $2925.00
The first Lenten mid-week service and book discussion was well attended. There were 76 people present at worship, and almost 40 people participated in the book discussion.
A worship survey will be given concerning summer worship options.
Aaron, Angela, Aspen and Adelynn Balow were officially welcomed as new members. Marna Holley made a motion to officially welcome. Lee Anderson seconded. Motion was approved.
The Vision Board received copies of the Church Constitution as updated and ratified, February 4, 2013. Pastor Jean will take vacation on April 6th. Pastor David Bersagel will be preaching that Sunday.
Marna Holley inquired about plans for the groundbreaking. Are there plans to invite local media? Can we look into doing something other than or in addition to shovels? What are the plans for the large tree that will be removed? Any ideas can be emailed to Pastor Jean and CC’d to Lynn Wegner.
Pastor led us in a devotional regarding what each one of us felt was the most exciting thing that has been happening at church lately. We meditated on the question of what role we had in making it happen and what God’s role is.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm.
Faithfully Submitted,
Brian Mueller