Sunday, March 23rd, 2014
Bob Bandoli called the meeting to order at 9:46 am.
The following members were present: Sydney Craig, Susan Chase, Marna Holley, Brian Mueller, Shelly Vander Linden, and Bob Bandoli (presiding).
Archie Achterkirch presented the recommendations of the Second Century committee. Three bids were submitted for approval by the Vision Board. We were also informed that a contingency fund for any unforeseen cost overruns has been recommended and that the Second Century Committee is proposing a contingency fund of $75,000.00. This will be part of the budgeting process undertaken by that committee.
The lowest bid $736,500. This would be that contractor’s first major project, and they were unable to include one of our preferred subcontractors.
Olympic Builders submitted the second lowest bid at $742,482. They have experience with building projects of this size, and were able to include our preferred subcontractors. This was the recommended bid of the Second Century Committee.
The third lowest bid was $790,650.00. This contractor has experience with building projects of this size, and were able to include our preferred subcontractors.
After a short discussion, Marna Holley made a motion to approve the bid of Olympic Builders. Seconded by Susan Craig. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjourned at 10:00am.