Lutheran Campus Ministry—La Crosse has received a challenge gift of $20,000. An anonymous supporter of this ministry to the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Viterbo University and Western Technical College has offered to match all donations received from individual donors and families during the months of July and August, up to $20,000.
Lutheran Campus Ministry deeply appreciates the generosity of their donor and asks you to assist us in meeting this person’s challenge. Meeting this goal will help them to continue to provide full time campus ministry to our area colleges. They will be able to continue their partnership with Crossroads Campus Ministry, offering radical hospitality to students in their new building: Common Ground. They will be able to meet the challenges of ministering to students in the 2nd decade of the 21st century. These students are our hope. They are our joy.
July 13 & 20 we will be taking a Noisy Offering to help support this vital ministry. Thank you!